Crossroads of Culture and Christianity
The desire of this podcast is to provide meaningful and Biblical answers from the Pentecostal Holiness perspective, as well as, to engage with relevant cultural ideas from the Christian worldview.
102 episodes
Ep. 97 Christianity Without Doctrine: A Dangerous Illusion with Rev. Bill Finley
We are joined on this episode by Rev. Bill Finley. We spend some time addressing such questions as, does doctrine really matter? How important is it for the minister to preach doctrine? What are the dangers of neglecting sound doctrine.
Ep. 96 Eternity: Fact or Fairytale?
The question of what happens to a person after death is one that occupies the mind of almost every person. Is this life all there is, or is there a "great beyond"? On this episode, we spend some time offering 3 foundational realities from Scrip...
Ep. 95 Biblical Boundaries: When "Helping" Becomes Meddling
There is no doubt that there is a natural desire within every Christian, and more specifically every minister, to help others in their times of need. However, how far is too far? Is it ever appropriate for someone to come between a Pastor and h...
Ep. 94 Cultural Context and Church History
The study of Church History has been an invaluable tool for the modern church. However, arguments abound as it relates to church history somewhat being the standard that we measure our doctrine by. Further, arguments are made that if a particul...
Ep. 93 Carrying Out the Great Commission
As we discussed in our last episode, the Bible seems clear in its command that believers are to go and make disciples. The next step is exploring how one is to effectively carry out this command. That is precisely what we discuss on this episod...
Ep. 92 To Go or Not To Go...
In Matthew 28:19-20 we are given what has come to be known as "The Great Commission". Is this commission still binding on the church? Are we obligated to fulfill the command that Christ is giving here, or was it merely for the disciples? Furthe...
Ep. 91 Our Civil Responsibility
Some have the opinion that because we are of the Kingdom of God, then our allegiance should be to that Kingdom alone. We should have no part in the affairs of earthly government. However, is that what the Bible truly teaches? Does our citizensh...
Ep. 90 Already, But Not Yet!
We continue our series on the Kingdom of God. We have already established that there is a sense in which the Kingdom of God is present in this world today. We see that evidenced through the power of God demonstrated in various forms. However, i...
Ep. 89 The Power of the Kingdom
Though the Kingdom of God has not been realized in its fullest sense yet, there is an element of it that is accessible and evident even now. The power of the Kingdom was demonstrated through the ministry of Christ and the Apostles in the Gospel...
Ep. 88 The Gospel and The Kingdom
All throughout the Gospel accounts we find this concept of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven. What is so important about understanding what this reference is? Jesus found it important enough to make it a central topic of his preaching...
Ep. 87 Understanding God's Call to Ministry
We were given a suggestion regarding a topic by a listener. This listener wanted us to discuss "Understanding God's Call to Ministry". In this episode, we define what ministry actually is, and who is called to ministry. Further, we give some ad...
Ep. 86 Listener Question: What Does the Bible Say About Hair?
Paul instructs the believers at Corinth concerning the covering of the head by women in the public worship setting in 1Corinthians 11. What was the covering that Paul was referring to? Further, does this passage truly deal with hair, or is it r...
Ep. 85 Listener Question: What Does the Bible Say About Cosmetics?
Does the Bible have anything to say about the application of cosmetics? How are Christians supposed to navigate this topic of debate? Further, what principles from Scripture can we apply that will help us think Biblically about this concept? Th...
Ep. 84 Listener Question: What Does the Bible Say About Jewelry?
Some within Christendom argue that the Bible has little say concerning that which Christians are to wear, or refrain from wearing. Is this accurate? Does the Bible say anything concerning the outward adornment of the person? Are there areas of ...
Ep. 83 The Cost of Discipleship in Evangelism
No doubt you have heard sermons in your church concerning the "Cost of Discipleship". It is a pretty popular message that seeks to challenge the believer to a place of self-evaluation as it relates to their dedication in following Christ. Howev...
Ep. 82 Hope for a Troubled Marriage
On today's episode, we wrap up our discussion on marriage. We try to offer hope from Scripture for those that might have found themselves going through a rough patch in their marriage. We believe that God is able to rekindle and restore!
Ep. 81 Dealing With the Effects of Divorce Part 2
On this episode, we delve further into the topic of divorce and discuss ways in which someone can heal from such an experience. Though divorce leaves a trail of trauma in its wake, there are deliberate steps that one can take, through Christ, t...
Ep. 80 Dealing with the Effects of Divorce Part 1
In this episode, we further expand on the topic of divorce that we started a few weeks ago. A listener wrote in and requested that we further discuss the traumatic effects of divorce, and how one can heal from them. We hope you find this helpfu...
Ep. 79 The Gifts of the Spirit with Rev. Kevin Lloyd
On this episode, we were honored to be joined by Rev. Kevin Lloyd to discuss the Gifts of the Spirit. Rev. Lloyd is an adjunct professor of Pneumatology at Free Gospel Bible Institute. He has 37 years of ministerial experience and is currently ...
Ep. 78 Engaging the Heart in Serving God
On this episode, we spend some time exploring the importance of emotional engagement in the Christian life. Should one become less emotional as they mature in their walk with Christ? Further, does a lack of feeling prove Christian maturity? The...
Ep. 77 Listener Question: Divorce
On this episode, we respond to an email that was sent in to us by a listener. Is divorce a sin? Are there any circumstances in which it would be acceptable for a believer to pursue divorce. These are some of the questions that we spend time try...
Ep. 76 Engaging the Mind in Serving God
On this episode, we continue our discussion concerning the role of the whole person in the Christian life. We zero in on the role of the mind in our Christian service to God. What does that look like from a Scriptural perspective? Is it importa...
Ep. 75 Serving God with the Whole Person
On this episode, we are going to begin a discussion about what it looks like for the Christian to serve God with their whole being. As the person is made up of body, soul, and spirit, so it is that God desires us to serve him with the whole bei...
Ep. 74 "The Cross and Salvation"
In this episode, we spend some time engaging with some of the writings of Bruce Demarest in his work "The Cross and Salvation". Mr. Demarest is going to take a reformed approach to salvation and propagate the idea of eternal security. We attemp...
Ep. 73 Paul, Mars Hill, and the Model for Apologetics
On this episode, we examine Acts chapter 17 and discuss whether Paul's approach to reaching the Athenians in this chapter is a model that we should adopt or reject. There are arguments on both sides of this issue and we want to fairly present e...